National Scrapple Day ― Date, History, and Details

National Scrapple Day may be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.
Let's dive deeper into learning more about the history of National Scrapple Day and why people celebrate or observe it.
History of National Scrapple Day and How to Celebrate/ Observe It
National Scrapple Day is a holiday celebrated annually on October 24th. The holiday was created in 2006 by the Scrapple Company of America to celebrate their delicious product and to promote its consumption. Scrapple is a type of food made from pork scraps and cornmeal that is popular in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States.
On National Scrapple Day, people all over the country enjoy this unique dish in many different ways. Some enjoy it simply fried and served with eggs, while others get creative and use it in recipes like scrapple pancakes, scrapple grilled cheese, or even scrapple ice cream! No matter how you enjoy it, National Scrapple Day is the perfect day to indulge in this delicious treat.