Put a Pillow on your Fridge Day ― Date, History, and Details

Put a Pillow on your Fridge Day

Put a Pillow on your Fridge Day may be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Let's dive deeper into learning more about the history of Put a Pillow on your Fridge Day and why people celebrate or observe it.

History of Put a Pillow on your Fridge Day and How to Celebrate/ Observe It

Put a Pillow on your Fridge Day is celebrated on the first day of May in some parts of Europe, particularly Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Hungary. The tradition is said to bring good luck and fortune, and many believe that it helps ward off evil spirits.

The origins of the holiday are unclear, but one theory is that it dates back to ancient times when people would put a piece of bread or a cake on their doorstep to appease the goddess of spring, who was said to bring new life and fertility to the land. Another theory is that the tradition started as a way to protect food from being stolen by birds or other animals.

Whatever the origins, the holiday is now a fun way to start off the month of May. Many people take the opportunity to decorate their homes with flowers and other springtime decorations. And, of course, don’t forget to put a pillow on your fridge!