Easter Sunday (Orthodox) in North Macedonia ― Date, History, and Details

Easter Sunday (Orthodox) in North Macedonia

Easter Sunday (Orthodox) in North Macedonia may be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Let's dive deeper into learning more about the history of Easter Sunday (Orthodox) in North Macedonia and why people celebrate or observe it.

History of Easter Sunday (Orthodox) in North Macedonia and How to Celebrate/ Observe It

Easter Sunday, also known as Pascha in the Orthodox Church, is the most important day of the year. It commemorates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and is a time of joy and celebration. The Easter season lasts for 50 days, from Pascha to Pentecost.

On Easter Sunday, Orthodox Christians gather in church for the Divine Liturgy. This is a special service that includes readings from the Bible, hymns, and prayers. After the Liturgy, people often exchange Easter eggs and share a festive meal with family and friends.

Easter is a time to remember that Jesus conquered death and rose from the grave. This victory gives us hope and joy, even in the midst of trials and suffering. We celebrate Easter with feasting and rejoicing because Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!