New Year’s Day observed in Cameroon ― Date, History, and Details

New Year’s Day observed in Cameroon

New Year’s Day observed in Cameroon may be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Let's dive deeper into learning more about the history of New Year’s Day observed in Cameroon and why people celebrate or observe it.

History of New Year’s Day observed in Cameroon and How to Celebrate/ Observe It

New Year’s Day is a major holiday in Cameroon, and has been celebrated since the country’s founding. The day is observed on January 1st, and marks the start of a new year. It is usually celebrated with family gatherings, parties, and fireworks.

In Cameroon, New Year’s Day is not just an opportunity to celebrate the start of a new year, but also to reflect on the past year and look ahead to the future. People often exchange gifts, write resolutions, and make promises for the upcoming year. Traditional dishes are eaten, such as ndole, which is a stew made with bitter leaves, peanuts, and/or fish.

Cameroonians also use New Year’s Day as an excuse to get together and have fun. People often go out to restaurants, bars, and clubs, or host their own parties with music, dancing, and plenty of food and drinks. Fireworks are also popular, and many people stay up until midnight to watch them. No matter how it’s celebrated, New Year’s Day is a special time for Cameroonians to come together and enjoy the start of a new year.