Our Lady of Coromoto in Venezuela ― Date, History, and Details

Our Lady of Coromoto in Venezuela

Our Lady of Coromoto in Venezuela may be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Let's dive deeper into learning more about the history of Our Lady of Coromoto in Venezuela and why people celebrate or observe it.

History of Our Lady of Coromoto in Venezuela and How to Celebrate/ Observe It

Our Lady of Coromoto is a widely venerated religious icon in Venezuela. She is popularly known as the “Patroness of Venezuela” and is considered by many to be a powerful intercessor with the divine. The image of Our Lady of Coromoto is a Marian apparition that is said to have occurred in the early 1600s. The story goes that a young indigenous man named Juan Diego was out gathering firewood near the city of Mérida when he suddenly heard the sound of birds singing. Approaching the source of the music, he beheld the beautiful Virgin Mary standing on a mound of roses. She spoke to him, asking that a church be built in her honor on that spot.

Juan Diego took Mary’s message to the local bishop, but was met with skepticism. The bishop asked for a sign as proof of the apparition. Juan Diego then went back to the site and miraculously found roses blooming in the middle of winter. He gathered them up in his cloak and took them back to the bishop. When he opened his cloak, the roses fell to the ground revealing the image of the Virgin Mary imprinted on the fabric. The bishop was convinced and a church was built on the site of the apparition.

Since then, Our Lady of Coromoto has been revered as the Patroness of Venezuela. Her feast day is celebrated on October 12th and she is often invoked by Venezuelans for protection and guidance. Many miracles and graces have been attributed to her intercession, making her one of the most popular and beloved religious figures in the country.