Tamil Thai Pongal Day in Sri Lanka ― Date, History, and Details

Tamil Thai Pongal Day in Sri Lanka

Tamil Thai Pongal Day in Sri Lanka may be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Let's dive deeper into learning more about the history of Tamil Thai Pongal Day in Sri Lanka and why people celebrate or observe it.

History of Tamil Thai Pongal Day in Sri Lanka and How to Celebrate/ Observe It

Tamil Thai Pongal Day is an important festival celebrated in Sri Lanka. It is celebrated to commemorate the harvest season and marks the beginning of the Tamil New Year. The festival is celebrated by both Hindus and Buddhists in the country.

The celebrations of Tamil Thai Pongal Day typically begin with a ritual bath early in the morning, followed by prayers and offerings made to the Sun God. Many households also decorate their homes with clay pots filled with milk, rice and sugarcane stalks. The day is marked with traditional dances and songs, as well as feasting and exchanging of gifts.

On this day, many people visit temples to pay homage to the gods and goddesses. Some people also engage in sporting activities such as bull racing, which is believed to bring good luck. At night, fireworks are lit up and families gather around bonfires to celebrate the festival. People also exchange sweets and savouries to mark the occasion. Tamil Thai Pongal Day is a time for joy and celebration, and is a great opportunity for families to come together and enjoy the festivities.