World Day Against Trafficking in Persons in United States ― Date, History, and Details

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons in United States may be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.
Let's dive deeper into learning more about the history of World Day Against Trafficking in Persons in United States and why people celebrate or observe it.
History of World Day Against Trafficking in Persons in United States and How to Celebrate/ Observe It
The United Nations’ (UN) World Day against Trafficking in Persons is observed every year on July 30 to raise awareness of the plight of victims of human trafficking and to promote and protect their rights.
Human trafficking is a serious crime and a grave violation of human rights. Every year, thousands of men, women and children are trafficked in countries around the world. They are forced into labour or sexual exploitation.
Trafficking in persons is a form of modern slavery. It occurs when someone is recruited, transported, transferred, harboured or received by force, coercion or other means, for the purpose of exploitation.
Exploitation can include, but is not limited to, forced labour, sexual slavery, servitude or the removal of organs.
Victims of human trafficking can be of any age, gender, race or nationality. They may be lured by false promises of a better life or lured by the promise of work or education.
Traffickers use force, fraud or coercion to control victims. They may threaten victims or their families with violence, or withhold their passports or other documents to keep them from leaving.
Victims may be trapped in debt bondage, which is when they are forced to work to pay off a debt that they can never realistically repay.
Human trafficking is a global problem. It is estimated that there are tens of thousands of victims in the United States alone.
The U.S. Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons is leading the fight against human trafficking.
The office works with foreign governments, international organizations, NGOs and the private sector to combat trafficking and assist victims.
The office also raises awareness of the issue and provides resources for victims and survivors.
On this World Day against Trafficking in Persons, let us stand together to end this heinous crime.