You are searching for: North Macedonia


Orthodox Christmas Day i...

Orthodox Christmas Day is celebrated by the Orthodox Christian community in North Macedonia on January 7th. The day co...


Orthodox Christmas Eve i...

In North Macedonia, Orthodox Christmas Eve is celebrated with a special evening service at church, followed by a tradi...


Easter Monday in North M...

In North Macedonia, Easter Monday is a public holiday. It is celebrated with family gatherings and feasts. Traditional...


Vlach’s National Day (...

The Vlach community in North Macedonia celebrates its National Day on August 2. This date was chosen because it coinci...


Eid al-Fitr in North Mac...

Eid al-Fitr is a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting. The holiday celebrat...


Labor Day observed in No...

Labor Day is observed in North Macedonia on September 7. It is a public holiday that honors workers and the labor move...


Labor Day in North Maced...

Labor Day in North Macedonia is celebrated on September 2nd. It is a public holiday that honors the country's workers ...


Easter Monday (Orthodox)...

Easter Monday is a holiday in North Macedonia that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated on ...


Easter Sunday (Orthodox)...

Easter Sunday, also known as Pascha in the Orthodox Church, is the most important day of the year. It commemorates the...