September Equinox in Morocco ― Date, History, and Details

September Equinox in Morocco

September Equinox in Morocco may be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Let's dive deeper into learning more about the history of September Equinox in Morocco and why people celebrate or observe it.

History of September Equinox in Morocco and How to Celebrate/ Observe It

The September equinox occurs when the sun crosses the celestial equator from north to south. This happens on September 22, 23, or 24 each year. In Morocco, the September equinox is a time of celebration and thanksgiving.

During the September equinox, the days and nights are nearly equal in length. This is because the sun is directly over the equator. The September equinox marks the start of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern Hemisphere.

In Morocco, the September equinox is known as Imilchil. It is a time when families gather to give thanks for the harvest. Imilchil is also a time for marriage celebrations. Couples who wish to marry must first pass a series of tests. If they succeed, they are allowed to marry during the Imilchil festival.

During the Imilchil festival, the skies are filled with colorful kites. These kites represent the couples who will be married during the festival. The Imilchil festival is a time of joy and happiness for all who participate.