You are searching for: 2024-12-07


Spitak Remembrance Day i...

In Armenia, Spitak Remembrance Day is observed on December 7th. It commemorates the victims of the 1988 Spitak earthqu...


Eve of the Feast of the ...

In Colombia, the Eve of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception is a time of celebration and preparation for the feast ...


Day of Remembrance in Ea...

The Day of Remembrance is a national holiday in East Timor that commemorates the Indonesian invasion of the country in...


The Feast of St. Ambrose...

The Feast of St. Ambrose is a religious holiday celebrated in Milan, Italy. It commemorates the life and work of Saint...


Western Province Day in ...

In Solomon Islands, Western Province Day is celebrated on the first Monday in August. It commemorates the day in 1987 ...


International Civil Avia...

International Civil Aviation Day is celebrated annually on December 7th. The day commemorates the anniversary of the...


Pearl Harbor Remembrance...

In the United States, Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day is observed on December 7th to remember and honor those who lost th...


National Cotton Candy Da...

National Cotton Candy Day is celebrated on December 7th. This sugary treat was first invented in the late 1800s, and h...


National Pearl Harbor Re...

National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day is observed annually on December 7 to remember and honor the 2,403 service membe...