Eid ul Fitr in Germany ― Date, History, and Details

Eid ul Fitr in Germany may be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.
Let's dive deeper into learning more about the history of Eid ul Fitr in Germany and why people celebrate or observe it.
History of Eid ul Fitr in Germany and How to Celebrate/ Observe It
Eid ul Fitr is a religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide to mark the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting. The holiday celebrates the conclusion of the 29 or 30 days of dawn-to-sunset fasting during Ramadan. The day of Eid, therefore, falls on the first day of the month of Shawwal. This is a day when Muslims are not permitted to fast.
Eid ul Fitr has a particular Salat (Islamic prayer) consisting of two Rakats (units) and generally offered in an open field or large hall. It may be performed only in congregation (Jama’at) and has an additional six Takbirs (raising of the hands to the ears while saying “Allahu Akbar”, meaning “God is the greatest”), three of them in the beginning of the first Rakat and three of them just before Ruku’ (bowing) in the second Rakat in the Hanafi school of Sunni Islam.
After the Salat, Muslims generally visit their relatives, friends and acquaintances, give gifts (Eidi), exchange pleasantries and embrace each other. They also attend special Eid congregations, listen to a Khutbah (sermon) and give Zakat al-Fitr, alms to the poor and needy. In some countries, it is customary to slaughter a sacrificial animal (usually a sheep, goat, cow or camel) and distribute its meat among the poor and needy.