Boxing Day in Malta ― Date, History, and Details

Boxing Day in Malta

Boxing Day in Malta may be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Let's dive deeper into learning more about the history of Boxing Day in Malta and why people celebrate or observe it.

History of Boxing Day in Malta and How to Celebrate/ Observe It

Boxing Day is a national holiday in Malta, celebrated on 26 December. It is traditionally a day when people give gifts to their friends and family, and also a day for charity.

In recent years, Boxing Day has become more commercialised, with shops and businesses offering sales and discounts. However, it is still very much a family-oriented holiday, and many people spend the day at home with their loved ones.

One of the most popular traditions on Boxing Day is the ‘Manoel Island Swim’, where swimmers compete to swim around Manoel Island in Valletta harbour. This event raises money for charity, and is a great way to start the Boxing Day celebrations.

Another popular tradition is the ‘Bocci Tournament’, which is held in various towns and villages across Malta. This is a competitive game similar to bowls, and is usually played between family and friends.

As Boxing Day is a religious holiday, many people attend mass on this day. In the evening, there are often fireworks displays, which are enjoyed by both locals and tourists alike.

Boxing Day is a wonderful time to be in Malta, and is a great way to celebrate the festive season with friends and family.